hye everyone...hope all of u having a very goooood day...
not like me...urggghhh...so sad...
errmmm....why ekh..??
okayy here's the story...
pada pagi yang indah nian td...
kitowg ade EOM membrane and receptor which is the toughest module in sem 1...
and me da spend my life for the past few days study mcm owg gle dah...
n yang grm uh soalan dye cket jeq...
ya allah sabar jeq laa...
pnyer lah ak bce 16 chpters uh tp dye kua ciput jeq..
aih...sumpah geram..
klu cket tp seng xpe ah gak nie x..
sush bro..wa rse cam nk nges jeq jwb..
soaln first lg da kantoi..
perkh..sumpah t'seksa jiwa n raga ak jwb soaln uh..
soo since soalan dye cket jeq of course la for 1 question uh marks dye belambak2 kn..
bygkan ah klu slh..mmg menangis wa ckp lu..huwaaa...
and my lecturer, Dr pramanik plak ckp be ready only 20% of u jeq yg akn lulus..
*rse nyer dye ckp 20%..xdga cgt..haha..
okay ak tulis besar2 LULUS..bukan A tawh LULUS..
sumpah cuak...
hope cgt ak lulus..
pray for me k guys.. (:
then...after EOM yang penuh duka uh, kitowg still de cls..
sobss...sobss..nseb bek cls reflective writing uh cncel..
klu x mmg duduk kt waziria smpy ptg laaa...
da la x ckop tdo kn..mmg best ah klu kne stay waziria..huhu..
okayy..actually tjuk lecture kitowg uh OVERVIEW of intermediary metabolism...
sooo ak engt kjp jeq lah kn since it's overview..
pnyer lah bnyk slide dye..
ak da sah2 x ley nk focus da kn..
sooo...tok mengilangkan bosan uh ak ngan zue g la men pencil case isha yg monyet uh...
hahaha...cute gler kowt...dah la duduk dpn kn tp smpt g men2 monyet uh..haha..
*errr...not exactly dpn lah..row 3 but stil dpn lah uh...hee..
soo here's the monkey..hahaha..
famous monyet uh ak promote..haha..
pose maut nyet2..haha..
keluarga monyet..
zue dan adiknya... :P
waa..sjowk nyer..
slurppp...da abes..
hurm...bosaaannn nyer... ):
comey kn?
opsss..kantoi mte lg sblah xde..haha..
comey kn...
cian monyet uh jdk mgse kitowg..hahaha..
ouh..and for the 4th module which is the last module, kitowg akn blaja sume uh dlm mse 2 mggu lbey jeq..
soo pack...everyday at 8..huhu..
msty bz n pnt..
tp pape pown..i choose this path soo im gonna be tough...
n i'll try my best to become a very good doctor..
insyaAllah... (:
seee...pack kn.. ):
p/s : soo dats mean akn ade EOM lg 2 minggu lbey..huwaaa..cpt nyer..pas uh trus EOS..erkk...tkowt nyer..pray for me k guys..tq..me appreciate it.. (:
thanks for reading...likes and comments are highly appreciated...do come again.. :)