assalamualaikum..........oooo emmm geeee....lme gler x jenguk blog nie..hahaha..
orang busy lah katakn..woww...me??...unbelievable...haha..
well tgk running man dikre busy gak kn...tgk hindustan pown busy gak..
sume uh dkre busy laa uh...as long as my schedule full even though mostly filled with movie..hahaha..
ermmm...kli nie nk cte pe ek??..xde pape pown kowt...
just sje2 nk mengarut kat blog coz ngah cdey..huhu...
sbb pe ek cdey??..xyah tawh laa....hee..
well..arie uh dpt result EOM and alhamdulillah i got B..
wlaupown x A stil its better than failed ryte...
huhu... ^^
ermmm...ttbe rse tkowt plak ngan module skunk nie...
membrane and receptor..
the toughest one for this sem..
omg! soo scary...
dr pramanik ckp last btch 8 orang jeq lulus???
huh..seriously??..cam x cye jeq an..
sush cgt nieh...
soo apekah nseb kitowg???..
we'll see for another 3 weeks i guess.. =)
but stil i do nothing bout that...
arghh..xde mood laaa...
asyk buang mse ngan movie jeq..
ekh xgak...skunk ngah busy ngan ZE, ZT n pembangunan insaniah...
hah...yg nieh lg stu hal kn...sume da nk kne anta da...
adoyaiii...pening pale...
err...ye ker??..haha..seyes ngah pening... dr ptg td kowt..huhu..
ok..wish me luck k guys...
ngah b'semangat nieh...hahaha...
tgk2 jap g tido kn..
memang semangat laahh saannggaatttt kaann...hahaha...
haa...actly de stu bnde nk story mory nieh...
mlm td x ley tdo....huhu..
sadis gler...
nightmare kowt then dlm kul 3 pagi uh t'jge n trus xley tdo...
perkh...rse cam real gak ah mmpi uh..
sobs..sobs...cdey jeq..t'kebil2 jeq ats ktil..huhu...
da la b4 uh t'hantuk kat dinding..
saket wooo...
klu nk rse g ah try wat...haha..
plus mlm uh si syura bley plak tnjuk video mayat dlm kubur..da kapan sume uh...huhu..
tp xpe lah..kte kne slaloo engat mati.. =)
ermm...k lah..xde pape cgt pown nk cte..
nyte2...da ngantuk cgt nieh...huhu..
errr...ble nk study ek??..xpelah...esok msih ade...haha.. ^^
love dis song..nice..n sad..huhu..
hope my love one wont get away...huhu..stick wif me till the end k.. =)
p/s : npe lah diowg sume asyk pggil ak datin jeq..huhu...bese jeq kowt ak..tp xpe lah..ne tawh dpt husband dato..kah3...tp bukn dato yg tue k...yg mude...hehe..i mean yg sebaya or mybe tue just 3 or 4 taon ker..ok kowt..hahaha..ok..im just kidding... hee...tp klu btol pown pe slh nyer kn..hahaha.. :P
thanks for reading...likes and comments are highly appreciated...do come again.. :)
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